Why the Pro Football Hall of Fame began investing in a digital event experience at the Super Bowl.

The Pro Football Hall of Fame (Canton, OH) considers itself the “Most Inspiring Place on Earth” (juxtaposed with Disney’s tagline “The Happiest Place on Earth.”)

A non-profit, the Hall of Fame has transformed itself from a museum tucked away in Northwest Ohio into a media & entertainment property focused on enriching experiences.

Senior leadership like Pat Lindesmith, Chief Partnership Officer, believe the path to create a growing, sustainable organization must include digital transformation.

“As the partnerships with our Gold Jackets, their families and our corporate partners grow, the tasks get more complex. Platforms like NextLevelFan allow us to scale our event efforts, from registration to segmentation to communication to post-event follow-up... and more.”

Initially, the Hall of Fame’s partnership team has leveraged the NextLevelFan platform for marquee events such as the Merlin Olsen Super Bowl Luncheon, an annual event to kick-off Super Bowl weekend.

Event goal: streamline pre-, in- and post-event communication AND activate networking among 500+ guests.


- Streamline registration, payment, confirmation

- Incent each table host to capture attendee info

- Accompany printed communications with digital

- Provide digital ticketing

- Generate guest-to-guest networking

- Capture post-event survey feedback

During the event recap, the Hall of Fame realized the even greater potential with their high profile events like Enshrinement Week and for-profit partner HOF Village, LLC.

1 vs. 7



Instead of sourcing multiple solutions, the Hall of Fame found it all under one platform. handled Bulk Emailing, Registration/Payment, Communication, Ticket delivery, Check-In tracking, Networking and Surveying.

In the past, the Hall of Fame had not formally-gathered post-event feedback. Built into the platform, the survey indicated guests loved the online registration experience, as compared to the manual registration in years’ past.

One Event, by the numbers

Facilitating the entire event lifecycle through NextLevelFan allowed the Hall of Fame partnership staff to focus on relationship-building with new and current donors & partners.


# of tables (12 guests each)


More contact info collected




4.7 rating

Overall event experience, based on feedback

Level up your event strategy.

"The transition was easy"

NextLevelFan’s platform allows me to off-load my manual registration, communication and check-in duties. That’s several spreadsheets and apps right there!

Kee’auna Cherry

Partnership Coordinator

Pro Football Hall of Fame

(Event Host)

"Excited for the future"

At the Hall, we’re laying the ground-work for the future. NextLevelFan came along at the right time for us.

Pat Lindesmith

Chief Partnership Officer

Pro Football Hall of Fame

(Event Host)

"Loved how easy it was"

Instead of downloading an app, all I had to do was follow the text messages, click for the event site, check-in and see who to network with at the mixer and at my table.

James Allen


J. Allen Investments, Inc

(Event Attendee)

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